Numerics Tool
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CNuTo::AverageCalculates the cumulative moving average
 CNuTo::Visualize::AverageGeometryGeometry description of one cell for the AverageHandler
 CNuTo::GmshWriter::Box2DSimple 2D box geometry
 CNuTo::GmshWriter::Box3DSimple 3D box geometry
 CNuTo::Visualize::CellClass for storing visualization cells
 CNuTo::CellDataExtracts 'cell data' like nodal values from the cell
 CNuTo::CellIdsNamed pair for cellId and ipId to make the argument list shorter and avoid accidental mixup of both
 CCellInfosCollection of DataArrays for the return type of ExtractCellInfos()
 CNuTo::CellIpDataSimilar to NuTo::CellData
 CNuTo::CellStorageStores and creates integration cells
 CNuTo::CollidableBaseBase class for all collidables
 CNuTo::CollisionHandlerRuns the simulation
 CNuTo::CompareVector< TVector >
 CNuTo::NonlocalInteraction::ConstantResults in the model used by Peerlings et al
 CNuTo::Constraint::ConstraintsStores constraint equations, separated by their dof type
 CCreepHistoryDataStructure that holds the history data of the creep law
 CNuTo::GmshWriter::CylinderSimple 3D cylinder geometry
 CNuTo::Constitutive::DamageLawInterface for common damage laws
 CNuTo::Visualize::DataArray< TDataType >Collects data for a vtk <DataArray> and writes it in ascii or raw binary appended format
 CNuTo::Visualize::DataArray< uint8_t >
 CNuTo::Visualize::DataArray< unsigned >
 CNuTo::NonlocalInteraction::DecreasingResults in the model used by Poh & Sun 2017, IJNME and limits the nonlocal parameter
 CNuTo::DofContainer< T >
 CNuTo::DofContainer< Eigen::MatrixXd >
 CNuTo::DofContainer< Equations >
 CNuTo::DofContainer< int >
 CNuTo::DofContainer< NuTo::Group< NuTo::NodeSimple > >
 CNuTo::DofContainer< std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > >
 CNuTo::DofContainer< TElement >
 CNuTo::DofMatrixContainer< T >Dof container that is also capable of performing calculations
 CNuTo::DofMatrixContainer< double >
 CNuTo::DofMatrixContainer< std::vector< Eigen::Triplet< double > > >
 CNuTo::DofVector< T >
 CNuTo::DofVector< double >
 CSubBoxes< T >::Domain
 CNuTo::NewtonRaphson::DoubleSolver"Solver" for scalar values
 CNuTo::EigenIOCollection of helper functions for Eigen matrices
 CNuTo::EigenSparseSolverSolver usable by NewtonRaphson::Solve(...)
 CNuTo::ElementCollectionInterface for all the cell operations, simply forwarding the corresponding element interfaces
 CNuTo::Constraint::EquationStores a constraint equation
 CNuTo::EventClass for storing events
 CNuTo::EventListHandlerClass for event list operations
 CNuTo::Laws::EvolutionImplicit< TDim >Explicit evolution equation for the NuTo::LocalIsotropicDamageLaw that implements

\[ \kappa(\boldsymbol \varepsilon) = \max \left(\kappa, \varepsilon_\text{eq}(\boldsymbol \varepsilon) \right) \]

 CFixNode< TDim >
 CNuTo::Tools::GlobalFractureEnergyIntegratorClass that helps with the evaluation of global load displacement curves
 CNuTo::GmshWriterWrites a mesoscale concrete geometry, consisting of a matrix, several aggregates and interfaces around them
 CNuTo::Integrands::GradientDamage< TDim, TInteraction, TDamageLaw >Implicit gradient enhanced damage model Peerlings RHJ et al
 CNuTo::Group< T >Ordered container class for elements, nodes and the like
 CNuTo::Group< CellInterface >
 CNuTo::Group< NuTo::CellInterface >
 CNuTo::Visualize::HandlerInterfaceInterface for a handler class that visualizes a single cell
 CHistoryDataContiguousMemory< T >Standard history data management object
 CHistoryDataContiguousMemory< CreepHistoryData >
 CNuTo::Integrand< TDim >
 CNuTo::IntegrationTypeBaseStandard abstract class for all integration types
 CNuTo::InterpolationSimpleBase class for the interpolation. The derived classes provide information about the actual interpolation
 CNuTo::Constraint::JKNumberingNumbering where first the independent dofs are consecutively numbered leaving out the dependent ones and then the dependent dof numbers are appended
 CNuTo::Laws::LinearElasticDamage< TDim >Applies an isotropic damage variable to the linear elastic hookes law
 CNuTo::NewtonRaphson::LineSearchImplementation< TInfo >Performs the line search algorithm based on the results of a single newton iteration step
 CNuTo::LogSet of predefined global loggers
 CNuTo::LoggerLogger class for redirecting output to different locations/files
 CEigen::Matrix< T, TRows, TCols, TOptions, TMaxRows, TMaxCols >
 CEigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, Eigen::ColMajor, 3, 1 >
 CEigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, Eigen::ColMajor, NuTo::maxDim, 1 >
 CEigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::ColMajor, 3, 3 >
 CEigen::Matrix< double, TDim, 1 >
 CEigen::Matrix< double, Voigt::Dim(TDim), 1 >
 CEigen::Matrix< TDim >
 CNuTo::MatrixAssemblerAssembles an internal NuTo::DofMatrixSparse<double> from arbitrary contributions and provides access to it
 CNuTo::Laws::MechanicsInterface< TDim >
 CNuTo::Laws::MechanicsInterface< 1 >
 CNuTo::MeshFemNodes, elements and interpolations for a classic finite element mesh
 CNuTo::MeshGmshReads a gmsh msh-file and converts it to a MeshFEM
 CNuTo::Constitutive::ModifiedMisesStrainNorm< TDim >Equivalent strain (strain norm) based on the modified mises norm
 CNuTo::Integrands::MomentumBalance< TDim >
 CNuTo::Integrands::MomentumBalance< 1 >
 CNuTo::Integrands::MomentumBalance< 3 >
 CNuTo::MortonOrderClass for sorting in Morton order (z-order as space filling curve)
 CNaturalCoordianteToId< TRaster >Transforms a vector of natural node coordinates to a reasonable id
 CNaturalCoordinateMemoizer< TResult, TNaturalCoords, TIdHash >Memoization of the a std::function<TResult(TNaturalCoords)>, mainly used for element shape functions and their derivatives
 CNuTo::NaturalCoordinateMemoizerMap< TResult, TNaturalCoords, TCompare >
 CNaturalCoordinateMemoizerUnorderedMap< TResult, TNaturalCoords, THash, TEqual >
 CNuTo::Integrands::NeumannBc< TDim >Applies a neumann boundary condition
 CNuTo::NodalValueMergerPerforms our good old "NodeMerge" and should be replaced by any solution from issue #141 PDE nodal values
 CNuTo::NodeSimpleStore node values and its dof
 CNuTo::NewtonRaphson::NoLineSearchJust a normal continuation of the newton scheme without using line search while keeping the interface of NuTo::LineSearch
 CNuTo::Nurbs< TDimParameter >Class for NURBS curves, with IGA specific functions. NURBS specific algorithms taken from Piegl, Tiller 'The NURBS book' 1996
 CNuTo::GmshWriter::OptionsGmsh options that are defaulted to well working parameters
 CNuTo::ParticleHandlerHandles the particle list
 CNuTo::Visualize::PointPoint for visualization
 CNuTo::Visualize::PostProcessAllows you do define multiple visualizers with various visualization objects and writes them at once (including a *pvd file)
 CNuTo::NewtonRaphson::Problem< TR, TDR, TNorm, TTol, TInfo >Problem definition
 CNuTo::SerializeStreamBaseBase class for the NuTo SerializeStream Used for the serialization of data values only
 CNuTo::Material::SofteningCommon material parameters for softening materials
 CNuTo::SpecimenClass for Specimen
 CNuTo::SubBoxClass for sub box handing -> improves the performance without changing the physics
 CSubBoxes< T >Container that performs O(1) addition and O(1) lookup based on subboxes
 CNuTo::SubBoxHandlerBuilds and handles sub boxes
 CNuTo::SupportPointsStores the support points
 CNuTo::Constraint::TermStores constraint equation terms
 CTestCellsMesh with num x num quad elements, linear dof interpolation and 4 integration points per cell
 CNuTo::TimeDependentProblemEquation system that contains R(u, u') + M u'' = 0 with R = Gradient dR/du = Hessian0 dR/du' = Hessian1 M = Hessian2
 CNuTo::TimerPrints the lifetime of a Timer object on destruction
 CNuTo::UniqueId< T >This class provides a unique id (beginning at 0 and incrementing for each object)
 CNuTo::UniqueId< DofType >
 CNuTo::Visualize::UnstructuredGridVisualization of unstructured grids
 CNuTo::ValueVector< T >Container that stores values of T and keeps references to these values valid
 CNuTo::ValueVector< NuTo::ElementCollectionImpl >
 CNuTo::ValueVector< NuTo::NodeSimple >
 Cboost::numeric::odeint::vector_space_norm_inf< Eigen::MatrixBase< Derivative > >
 CNuTo::VectorAssemblerAssembles an internal NuTo::DofVector<double> from arbitrary contributions and provides access to it
 CVectorEqual< TVector >
 CVectorHash< TVector >
 CNuTo::Visualize::VisualizerClass to write visualization files of DOF values and cell data
 CNuTo::NewtonRaphson::VoidInfoTakes any argument and does nothing..