Numerics Tool
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
NuTo Namespace Reference


 Collection of helper functions for Eigen matrices.


class  AdaptiveSolve
struct  Average
 calculates the cumulative moving average More...
class  Cell
class  CellData
 Extracts 'cell data' like nodal values from the cell. More...
struct  CellIds
 named pair for cellId and ipId to make the argument list shorter and avoid accidental mixup of both More...
class  CellInterface
class  CellIpData
 Similar to NuTo::CellData. More...
class  CellStorage
 stores and creates integration cells More...
class  CollidableBase
 Base class for all collidables. More...
class  CollidableParticleBase
 base class for all particles TODO: Idea: implement an interface that somehow every particle knows how to interact with every wall without explicit coding More...
class  CollidableParticleSphere
 class for spherical collidables More...
class  CollidableWallBase
 base class for walls More...
class  CollidableWallCylinder
 class for cylindric walls More...
class  CollidableWallPhysical
 class for planar physical walls More...
class  CollidableWallVirtual
 virtual, inner, planar wall of the specimen More...
class  CollisionHandler
 runs the simulation More...
struct  CompareDofType
struct  CompareVector
class  ConstrainedSystemSolver
class  DofContainer
struct  DofInfo
class  DofMatrixContainer
 dof container that is also capable of performing calculations. More...
class  DofType
class  DofVector
class  EigenIO
 Collection of helper functions for Eigen matrices. More...
class  EigenSparseSolver
 Solver usable by NewtonRaphson::Solve(...) More...
class  ElementCollection
 interface for all the cell operations, simply forwarding the corresponding element interfaces More...
class  ElementCollectionImpl
 implementation of the interface ElementCollection for arbitrary element types that are derived from ElementInterface More...
class  ElementFem
class  ElementIga
class  ElementInterface
class  EngineeringStrain
 Engineering strain. More...
class  EngineeringStress
 Engineering stress. More...
class  Event
 class for storing events More...
class  EventListHandler
 class for event list operations More...
class  Exception
 Base class for all exceptions thrown in NuTo. More...
class  GeometryConcrete
class  GmshWriter
 Writes a mesoscale concrete geometry, consisting of a matrix, several aggregates and interfaces around them. More...
class  Group
 Ordered container class for elements, nodes and the like. More...
class  Hexahedron
class  InputReader
class  Integrand
class  IntegrationType0DBoundary
 integration types in 0D, more like a dummy integration type More...
class  IntegrationType3D6NGauss1Ip
 integration types in 3D with 1 Gauss point More...
class  IntegrationType3D6NGauss2x3Ip
 integration types in 3D with 6 nodes Gauss integration and 2x3 integration points More...
class  IntegrationTypeBase
 standard abstract class for all integration types More...
class  IntegrationTypeTensorProduct
 integration types in 1,2,3D; tensor product of 1D Lobatto or Gauss More...
class  IntegrationTypeTetrahedron
 Integration types for the triangle. More...
class  IntegrationTypeTriangle
 Integration types for the triangle. More...
class  InterpolationBrickLinear
class  InterpolationBrickLobatto
class  InterpolationBrickQuadratic
class  InterpolationPrismLinear
class  InterpolationPrismQuadratic
class  InterpolationPyramidLinear
class  InterpolationQuadLinear
class  InterpolationQuadLobatto
class  InterpolationQuadQuadratic
class  InterpolationSimple
 Base class for the interpolation. The derived classes provide information about the actual interpolation. More...
class  InterpolationTetrahedronLinear
class  InterpolationTetrahedronQuadratic
class  InterpolationTriangle3rdOrder
class  InterpolationTriangle4thOrder
class  InterpolationTriangleLinear
class  InterpolationTriangleQuadratic
class  InterpolationTruss3rdOrder
class  InterpolationTruss4thOrder
class  InterpolationTrussLinear
class  InterpolationTrussLobatto
class  InterpolationTrussQuadratic
class  Jacobian
class  Line
struct  Log
 set of predefined global loggers More...
class  Logger
 logger class for redirecting output to different locations/files More...
class  MatrixAssembler
 Assembles an internal NuTo::DofMatrixSparse<double> from arbitrary contributions and provides access to it. More...
class  MeshFem
 contains the nodes, elements and interpolations for a classic finite element mesh More...
class  MeshGmsh
 Reads a gmsh msh-file and converts it to a MeshFEM. More...
class  MortonOrder
 class for sorting in Morton order (z-order as space filling curve) More...
class  NaturalCoordinateMemoizerMap
class  NodalValueMerger
 Performs our good old "NodeMerge" and should be replaced by any solution from issue #141 PDE nodal values. More...
class  NodeSimple
 Store node values and its dof. More...
class  Nurbs
 Class for NURBS curves, with IGA specific functions. NURBS specific algorithms taken from Piegl, Tiller 'The NURBS book' 1996. More...
class  ParticleCreator
class  ParticleHandler
 handles the particle list More...
class  PolynomialLeastSquaresFitting
class  Prism
class  Pyramid
class  Quadrilateral
class  QuasistaticSolver
struct  ScalarDofType
class  SerializeStreamBase
 Base class for the NuTo SerializeStream Used for the serialization of data values only. More...
class  SerializeStreamIn
 Serialize input stream. More...
class  SerializeStreamOut
 Serialize output stream. More...
class  Shape
class  SimpleAssembler
class  Specimen
 class for Specimen More...
class  SubBox
 class for sub box handing -> improves the performance without changing the physics More...
class  SubBoxHandler
 builds and handles sub boxes More...
class  SupportPoints
 stores the support points More...
class  Tetrahedron
class  TimeDependentProblem
 Equation system that contains R(u, u') + M u'' = 0 with R = Gradient dR/du = Hessian0 dR/du' = Hessian1 M = Hessian2. More...
class  Timer
 prints the lifetime of a Timer object on destruction More...
class  Triangle
class  UniqueId
 This class provides a unique id (beginning at 0 and incrementing for each object). More...
class  ValueVector
 container that stores values of T and keeps references to these values valid More...
class  VectorAssembler
 Assembles an internal NuTo::DofVector<double> from arbitrary contributions and provides access to it. More...
struct  Voigt


typedef std::vector< Event * > LocalEvents
typedef std::set< EventGlobalEvents
typedef std::vector< CollidableParticleSphere * > ParticleContainer
template<int TDim>
using EngineeringTangent = Eigen::Matrix< double, Voigt::Dim(TDim), Voigt::Dim(TDim)>
template<typename T >
using DofMatrix = DofMatrixContainer< Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic >>
 dof container that is also capable of performing calculations. More...
template<typename T >
using DofMatrixSparse = DofMatrixContainer< Eigen::SparseMatrix< T >>
 dof container that is also capable of performing calculations. More...
using ElementCollectionFem = ElementCollectionImpl< NuTo::ElementFem >
template<int TDimParameter>
using ElementCollectionIga = ElementCollectionImpl< NuTo::ElementIga< TDimParameter >>
typedef Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, Eigen::ColMajor, NuTo::maxDim, 1 > NaturalCoords
typedef Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, Eigen::ColMajor, NuTo::maxDim, 1 > GlobalCoords


enum  eShape {
  eShape::Line, eShape::Triangle, eShape::Quadrilateral, eShape::Tetrahedron,
  eShape::Hexahedron, eShape::Prism, eShape::Pyramid
enum  ePlaneState { ePlaneState::PLANE_STRESS, ePlaneState::PLANE_STRAIN }
enum  eDirection { eDirection::X = 0, eDirection::Y = 1, eDirection::Z = 2 }
enum  eIntegrationMethod { eIntegrationMethod::GAUSS, eIntegrationMethod::LOBATTO }
enum  eCellTypes {
  eCellTypes::VERTEX, eCellTypes::LINE, eCellTypes::TRIANGLE, eCellTypes::QUAD,
  eCellTypes::TETRAEDER, eCellTypes::HEXAHEDRON, eCellTypes::POLYGON, eCellTypes::WEDGE,
  eCellTypes::PYRAMID, eCellTypes::LINE2NDORDER, eCellTypes::TRIANGLE2NDORDER, eCellTypes::QUAD2NDORDER,
enum  eVisualizationType { eVisualizationType::VORONOI_CELL, eVisualizationType::EXTRAPOLATION_TO_NODES, eVisualizationType::POINTS }
enum  eVisualizeWhat {
  eVisualizeWhat::BOND_STRESS, eVisualizeWhat::SLIP, eVisualizeWhat::DISPLACEMENTS, eVisualizeWhat::ENGINEERING_STRESS,
  eVisualizeWhat::ENGINEERING_STRAIN, eVisualizeWhat::SHRINKAGE_STRAIN, eVisualizeWhat::THERMAL_STRAIN, eVisualizeWhat::NONLOCAL_EQ_STRAIN,
  eVisualizeWhat::LOCAL_EQ_STRAIN, eVisualizeWhat::TOTAL_INELASTIC_EQ_STRAIN, eVisualizeWhat::DAMAGE, eVisualizeWhat::CRACK_PHASE_FIELD,
  eVisualizeWhat::LATTICE_STRAIN, eVisualizeWhat::LATTICE_STRESS, eVisualizeWhat::LATTICE_PLASTIC_STRAIN, eVisualizeWhat::ROTATION,
  eVisualizeWhat::VELOCITY, eVisualizeWhat::ANGULAR_VELOCITY, eVisualizeWhat::ACCELERATION, eVisualizeWhat::ANGULAR_ACCELERATION,
  eVisualizeWhat::TEMPERATURE, eVisualizeWhat::HEAT_FLUX, eVisualizeWhat::RELATIVE_HUMIDITY, eVisualizeWhat::WATER_VOLUME_FRACTION,


template<typename T >
Group< T > Unite (const Group< T > &one, const Group< T > &two)
 Unite two groups. More...
template<typename T , typename... TArgs>
Group< T > Unite (const Group< T > &one, const TArgs &...args)
 Unite multiple groups. More...
template<typename T >
Group< T > Difference (const Group< T > &one, const Group< T > &two)
 Returns group with elements of group one that are not in group two. More...
template<typename T >
Group< T > Intersection (const Group< T > &one, const Group< T > &two)
 Returns group with elements that are in both groups. More...
template<typename T >
Group< T > SymmetricDifference (const Group< T > &one, const Group< T > &two)
 Returns group with elements that are only in one group not in both. More...
NuTo::Loggeroperator<< (NuTo::Logger &rLogger, const char &t)
NuTo::Loggeroperator<< (NuTo::Logger &rLogger, const std::string &t)
NuTo::Loggeroperator<< (NuTo::Logger &rLogger, const char *t)
template<typename T >
Loggeroperator<< (Logger &rLogger, const T &t)
 Generic output command. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &rOutStream, const CollidableBase *rCollidable)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &rOutStream, const Event &rEvent)
template<typename TSolver >
Eigen::VectorXd SolveWithSolver (const Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > &A, const Eigen::VectorXd &b)
Eigen::VectorXd EigenSparseSolve (const Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > &A, const Eigen::VectorXd &b, std::string solver)
 Solve a sparse linear system \(A x = b\) made of Eigen types. More...
template<class T , class Preconditioner = Eigen::DiagonalPreconditioner<double>>
int Gmres (const T &A, const Eigen::VectorXd &rhs, Eigen::VectorXd &x, const int maxNumRestarts, const double tolerance, const int krylovDimension)
 Generalized minimal residual method. More...
bool operator== (const Shape &lhs, const Shape &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Shape &lhs, const Shape &rhs)
int ToComponentIndex (eDirection direction)
template<typename T >
int TotalRows (const DofMatrixSparse< T > &v, std::vector< DofType > dofs)
template<typename T >
int TotalCols (const DofMatrixSparse< T > &v, std::vector< DofType > dofs)
template<typename T >
int TotalNonZeros (const DofMatrixSparse< T > &v, std::vector< DofType > dofs)
template<typename T >
Eigen::SparseMatrix< T > ToEigen (const DofMatrixSparse< T > &v, std::vector< DofType > dofs)
 export the dofs entries of a DofMatrixSparse to a Eigen::SparseMatrix More...
template<typename T >
int TotalRows (const DofVector< T > &v, const std::vector< DofType > &dofs)
template<typename T >
Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > ToEigen (const DofVector< T > &v, std::vector< DofType > dofs)
 export the dofs entries of a DofVector to a Eigen::VectorXT More...
template<typename T >
void FromEigen (const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &source, std::vector< DofType > dofs, DofVector< T > *rDestination)
 imports a values into a properly sized DofVector More...
Eigen::VectorXd Interpolate (const ElementInterface &element, NaturalCoords ipCoords)
template<typename TObject , typename TReturn >
auto Bind (TObject &object, TReturn(TObject::*f)(const NuTo::CellIpData &, double))
 automatically create the lambda [&](cellIpData) {return integrand.Gradient(cellIpData, 0); } More...
template<typename TObject , typename TReturn >
auto Bind (TObject &object, TReturn(TObject::*f)(const NuTo::CellIpData &))
 automatically create the lambda [&](cellIpData) {return integrand.Gradient(cellIpData); } More...
std::unique_ptr< IntegrationTypeBaseCreateGaussIntegrationType (const Shape &shape, int order)
 Create a new integrationtype (Gauss integration) from a given shape and order. More...
std::unique_ptr< IntegrationTypeBaseCreateLobattoIntegrationType (const Shape &shape, int order)
 Create a new integrationtype (Lobatto integration) from a given shape and order. More...
std::unique_ptr< InterpolationSimpleCreateLagrangeInterpolation (const Shape &shape, int order)
 Create a new Lagrange interpolation from a given shape and order. More...
std::unique_ptr< InterpolationSimpleCreateLobattoInterpolation (const Shape &shape, int order)
 Create a new Lobatto interpolation from a given shape and order. More...
NuTo::InterpolationSimplenew_clone (const NuTo::InterpolationSimple &interpolation)
 clone methods that enables a boost::ptr_container<this> to copy itself More...
void AddDofInterpolation (NuTo::MeshFem *rMesh, DofType dofType, boost::optional< const InterpolationSimple & > optionalInterpolation=boost::none)
 add a new layer of nodes for dofType More...
void AddDofInterpolation (NuTo::MeshFem *rMesh, DofType dofType, Group< ElementCollectionFem > elements, boost::optional< const InterpolationSimple & > optionalInterpolation=boost::none)
 add a new layer of nodes for dofType but only for elements in given group More...
DofVector< double > Solve (const DofMatrixSparse< double > &K, const DofVector< double > &f, Constraint::Constraints &bcs, std::vector< DofType > dofs, std::string solver="EigenSparseLU")
DofVector< double > SolveTrialState (const DofMatrixSparse< double > &K, const DofVector< double > &f, double oldTime, double newTime, Constraint::Constraints &bcs, std::vector< DofType > dofs, std::string solver="EigenSparseLU")


const std::string Version = "${commit_nr}"
constexpr int maxDim = 3

Typedef Documentation

template<typename T >
using NuTo::DofMatrix = typedef DofMatrixContainer<Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>>

dof container that is also capable of performing calculations.

template<typename T >
using NuTo::DofMatrixSparse = typedef DofMatrixContainer<Eigen::SparseMatrix<T>>

dof container that is also capable of performing calculations.

template<int TDimParameter>
using NuTo::ElementCollectionIga = typedef ElementCollectionImpl<NuTo::ElementIga<TDimParameter>>
template<int TDim>
using NuTo::EngineeringTangent = typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Voigt::Dim(TDim), Voigt::Dim(TDim)>
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, Eigen::ColMajor, NuTo::maxDim, 1> NuTo::GlobalCoords
typedef std::set<Event> NuTo::GlobalEvents
typedef std::vector<Event*> NuTo::LocalEvents
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, Eigen::ColMajor, NuTo::maxDim, 1> NuTo::NaturalCoords

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum NuTo::eCellTypes
enum NuTo::eDirection
enum NuTo::ePlaneState
enum NuTo::eShape

Decomposes the element into smaller cells.


Extrapolates integration point data to nodes.


Visualize integration point data as vertex elements.

enum NuTo::eVisualizeWhat

visualize bond stress


visualize slip (relative displacement)


visualize displacements


visualize engineering stress tensor


visualize engineering strain tensor


visualize shrinkage strain tensor


visualize thermal strain tensor


visualize nonlocal equivalent strains


visualize local equivalent strains


visualize inelastic equivalent strain


visualize damage


visualize crack phase-field


visualize crack phase-field velocity


visualize engineering plastic strain


visualize principal stresses


visualize radius of particles/nodes


visualize strain of lattice models


visualize stress of lattice models


visualize plastic strain of lattice models


visualize rotations


visualize velocity


visualize angular velocity


visualize acceleration


visualize angular acceleration


visualize temperature


visualize heat flux


visualize relative humidity


visualize water volume fraction


Function Documentation

void NuTo::AddDofInterpolation ( NuTo::MeshFem rMesh,
DofType  dofType,
boost::optional< const InterpolationSimple & >  optionalInterpolation = boost::none 

add a new layer of nodes for dofType

rMeshfem mesh, return argument with r and weird pointer syntax to make it clear
dofTypedof type
optionalInterpolationinterpolation type for the dof type. If you do not provide a argument here (or boost::none) each new dof element will use the underlying coordinate interpolation resulting in an isoparametric element. This will also work for mixed meshes consisting of multiple interpolation types
void NuTo::AddDofInterpolation ( NuTo::MeshFem rMesh,
DofType  dofType,
Group< ElementCollectionFem elements,
boost::optional< const InterpolationSimple & >  optionalInterpolation = boost::none 

add a new layer of nodes for dofType but only for elements in given group

template<typename TObject , typename TReturn >
auto NuTo::Bind ( TObject &  object,
TReturn(TObject::*)(const NuTo::CellIpData &, double)  f 

automatically create the lambda [&](cellIpData) {return integrand.Gradient(cellIpData, 0); }

template<typename TObject , typename TReturn >
auto NuTo::Bind ( TObject &  object,
TReturn(TObject::*)(const NuTo::CellIpData &)  f 

automatically create the lambda [&](cellIpData) {return integrand.Gradient(cellIpData); }

std::unique_ptr< IntegrationTypeBase > NuTo::CreateGaussIntegrationType ( const Shape shape,
int  order 

Create a new integrationtype (Gauss integration) from a given shape and order.

std::unique_ptr< InterpolationSimple > NuTo::CreateLagrangeInterpolation ( const Shape shape,
int  order 

Create a new Lagrange interpolation from a given shape and order.

std::unique_ptr< IntegrationTypeBase > NuTo::CreateLobattoIntegrationType ( const Shape shape,
int  order 

Create a new integrationtype (Lobatto integration) from a given shape and order.

std::unique_ptr< InterpolationSimple > NuTo::CreateLobattoInterpolation ( const Shape shape,
int  order 

Create a new Lobatto interpolation from a given shape and order.

template<typename T >
Group<T> NuTo::Difference ( const Group< T > &  one,
const Group< T > &  two 

Returns group with elements of group one that are not in group two.

Eigen::VectorXd NuTo::EigenSparseSolve ( const Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > &  A,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  b,
std::string  solver 

Solve a sparse linear system \(A x = b\) made of Eigen types.

ASparse matrix.
bRight hand side vector.
solverString representation of solver.

Choose among the following solvers:


Direct solvers:

  • EigenSparseLU
  • EigenSparseQR
  • EigenSimplicialLLT
  • EigenSimplicialLDLT

Iteratitive solvers:

  • EigenConjugateGradient
  • EigenLeastSquaresConjugateGradient
  • EigenBiCGSTAB

External (need to be installed seperately)

SuiteSparse solvers:

  • SuiteSparseLU
  • SuiteSparseSupernodalLLT

MUMPS solvers:

  • MumpsLU
  • MumpsLDLT
template<typename T >
void NuTo::FromEigen ( const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &  source,
std::vector< DofType dofs,
DofVector< T > *  rDestination 

imports a values into a properly sized DofVector

sourceeigen vector whose values are imported
dofsdof types to import
rDestinationproperly sized dof vector
template<class T , class Preconditioner = Eigen::DiagonalPreconditioner<double>>
int NuTo::Gmres ( const T &  A,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  rhs,
Eigen::VectorXd &  x,
const int  maxNumRestarts,
const double  tolerance,
const int  krylovDimension 

Generalized minimal residual method.

Eigen::VectorXd NuTo::Interpolate ( const ElementInterface element,
NaturalCoords  ipCoords 
template<typename T >
Group<T> NuTo::Intersection ( const Group< T > &  one,
const Group< T > &  two 

Returns group with elements that are in both groups.

NuTo::InterpolationSimple* NuTo::new_clone ( const NuTo::InterpolationSimple interpolation)

clone methods that enables a boost::ptr_container<this> to copy itself

interpolationreference to the InterpolationSimple
cloned owning raw pointer of interpolation
bool NuTo::operator!= ( const Shape lhs,
const Shape rhs 
Logger & NuTo::operator<< ( NuTo::Logger rLogger,
const char &  t 
Logger & NuTo::operator<< ( NuTo::Logger rLogger,
const std::string &  t 
Logger & NuTo::operator<< ( NuTo::Logger rLogger,
const char *  t 
std::ostream& NuTo::operator<< ( std::ostream &  rOutStream,
const CollidableBase rCollidable 
rOutStreamoperator RHS: output stream
rCollidableoperator LHS: object added to the output stream
modified output stream
template<typename T >
Logger& NuTo::operator<< ( Logger rLogger,
const T &  t 

Generic output command.

std::ostream& NuTo::operator<< ( std::ostream &  rOutStream,
const Event rEvent 
bool NuTo::operator== ( const Shape lhs,
const Shape rhs 
DofVector< double > NuTo::Solve ( const DofMatrixSparse< double > &  K,
const DofVector< double > &  f,
Constraint::Constraints bcs,
std::vector< DofType dofs,
std::string  solver = "EigenSparseLU" 
DofVector< double > NuTo::SolveTrialState ( const DofMatrixSparse< double > &  K,
const DofVector< double > &  f,
double  oldTime,
double  newTime,
Constraint::Constraints bcs,
std::vector< DofType dofs,
std::string  solver = "EigenSparseLU" 
template<typename TSolver >
Eigen::VectorXd NuTo::SolveWithSolver ( const Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > &  A,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  b 
template<typename T >
Group<T> NuTo::SymmetricDifference ( const Group< T > &  one,
const Group< T > &  two 

Returns group with elements that are only in one group not in both.

int NuTo::ToComponentIndex ( eDirection  direction)
template<typename T >
Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> NuTo::ToEigen ( const DofVector< T > &  v,
std::vector< DofType dofs 

export the dofs entries of a DofVector to a Eigen::VectorXT

Template Parameters
Tnumeric type
vdof vector to export
dofsdof types to export
continuous vector containing the combined subvectors of v
template<typename T >
Eigen::SparseMatrix<T> NuTo::ToEigen ( const DofMatrixSparse< T > &  v,
std::vector< DofType dofs 

export the dofs entries of a DofMatrixSparse to a Eigen::SparseMatrix

Template Parameters
Tnumeric type
vdof matrix to export
dofsdof types to export
continuous matrix containing the combined submatrices of v
template<typename T >
int NuTo::TotalCols ( const DofMatrixSparse< T > &  v,
std::vector< DofType dofs 
template<typename T >
int NuTo::TotalNonZeros ( const DofMatrixSparse< T > &  v,
std::vector< DofType dofs 
template<typename T >
int NuTo::TotalRows ( const DofVector< T > &  v,
const std::vector< DofType > &  dofs 
template<typename T >
int NuTo::TotalRows ( const DofMatrixSparse< T > &  v,
std::vector< DofType dofs 
template<typename T >
Group<T> NuTo::Unite ( const Group< T > &  one,
const Group< T > &  two 

Unite two groups.

template<typename T , typename... TArgs>
Group<T> NuTo::Unite ( const Group< T > &  one,
const TArgs &...  args 

Unite multiple groups.

Variable Documentation

constexpr int NuTo::maxDim = 3
const std::string NuTo::Version = "${commit_nr}"