Numerics Tool
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CCellInfosCollection of DataArrays for the return type of ExtractCellInfos()
 CCreepHistoryDataStructure that holds the history data of the creep law
 CCreepLawCreep law using the exponential algorithm
 CHistoryDataContiguousMemoryStandard history data management object
 CNaturalCoordianteToIdTransforms a vector of natural node coordinates to a reasonable id
 CNaturalCoordinateMemoizerMemoization of the a std::function<TResult(TNaturalCoords)>, mainly used for element shape functions and their derivatives
 CSubBoxesContainer that performs O(1) addition and O(1) lookup based on subboxes
 CTestCellsMesh with num x num quad elements, linear dof interpolation and 4 integration points per cell