Numerics Tool

If you want, you'll first, you need some external dependencies

1 sudo apt-get install git swig3.0 cmake doxygen python3-dev python3-numpy \
2 libboost-all-dev libeigen3-dev libopenblas-dev libmetis-dev libmumps-seq-dev \
3 libann-dev libarpack2-dev libomp-dev gmsh

Then, you need to check out the source code

1 git clone

Create a build directory and switch to it

1 mkdir nuto/build && cd nuto/build

Run cmake

1 cmake ..

Once this ran without errors, you can issue make (-j4 for parallel building)

1 make -j4

If you want to use the python module, and run all the tests, you need to add the module path to your environment

1 export PYTHONPATH=<path/to/nuto/build>:$PYTHONPATH

In the end, run the test suite to see if all went well

1 make test